Discover Caffè Robotica: Melbourne's Futuristic...
Attention coffee lovers and tech enthusiasts! We're excited to announce the grand opening of Caffè Robotica at 195 Russell St, Melbourne. This isn't just any coffee spot; it's an innovative...
Discover Caffè Robotica: Melbourne's Futuristic...
Attention coffee lovers and tech enthusiasts! We're excited to announce the grand opening of Caffè Robotica at 195 Russell St, Melbourne. This isn't just any coffee spot; it's an innovative...
We have just lauched CAFFÈ ROBOTICA Official Shop
Apart from the amazing 24 x 7 self service kiosk, you can now also buy Coffee Blends & Organic+Fair Trade Teas from our online shop!
We have just lauched CAFFÈ ROBOTICA Official Shop
Apart from the amazing 24 x 7 self service kiosk, you can now also buy Coffee Blends & Organic+Fair Trade Teas from our online shop!